Counseling Resources Toolbox
Spiritual Resources
Spiritual Care
Spiritual resources can be powerful helps in times of crisis or dealing with difficult life challenges. These can be practices, beliefs, objects or relationships. Some resources include music, prayer, meditation, family and friends, religious leaders, spiritual writings, etc. Current research results show that health and well-being are greatly impacted by spiritual practices. Here are some resources to help.
Prayers and scriptures to help deal with anxious/stressful thoughts
David in the Bible had significant trauma in his life and he wrote about it in Psalms. Read about his struggles.
Meditation Prayers, Mindfulness/Relaxation
David wrote some very real letters to God in Psalms. We can do the same using the Psalms as a model. (by Darbi Tidwell)
Article and method for using spirituality in treating trauma
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David had some great trials and tribulations. Amid his stress, he wrote several Psalms. These Psalms were very real and honest. They help us to understand how we can be real with God in our struggles.
Events in David’s Life
David’s Response
Job experienced more traumas in a short period of time than most people can handle! He lost is kids, his wealth, and his health in the span of a few days. His wife was not helpful, nor his friends in the end. Here is how he dealt with it.