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Projective Techniques

Projective techniques use ambiguous stimuli and open-ended responses to solicit the unconscious processes of the client to project different aspects of themselves onto the stimuli.  As counselors and mental health professionals, we do not give projective assessments to diagnose.  We use projective techniques to inform therapy and learn about the client.

Reflection on Round Mirror

Sandtray Therapy uses figures to make a world in the sand.  This world gives insight into the client's issues, important people, problems, strengths, etc.

Art Therapy uses paint, colors, markers, photography, etc. to express internal processes.

Kid Drawing With Colored Pencil


Projective drawings use specific prompts for the client to draw.  The emphasis is not on the quality of the drawing, but rather the placement, emphasis, inclusion, omission, or minimization of different attributes of the drawing.

House Tree Person


The House Tree Person drawings can provide clues about the client's personality, physical and emotional issues.  Knowing this information can help inform therapy along with other issues that may require more testing.

Kid's Drawing
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